Maryland Genealogical Society
Maryland Genealogical Society

Want to support the work of the Maryland Genealogical Society? Perhaps you already are a member of the Society. Maybe you volunteer your services, or participate in MGS events. If this is the case, we thank you! But if you want to go a step further, please consider making a donation to help support the Society.
MGS is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for income tax purposes. Convenient payment through PayPal is available, or you can pay by check. (You choose which option you'd like to use on the next page after clicking on "Submit Donation" below.) For tax purposes, be sure to retain your PayPal receipt or cancelled check, as well as the acknowledgement that you will be able to print after you complete the information below and choose your method of payment. 
You can make your donation in memory of or in honor of someone - a Maryland ancestor, perhaps?
You also can choose to make your donation anonymously, which means that we will not include your name in any list of donors that we might publish. Also, all contributors can rest assured that we will not share your names with any other organizations seeking donations.
We hope that you'll consider making a donation, and we thank you.
Place a Donation:
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Last Name: Required
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Donation Amount (USD):   Required, $1.00 Minimum Donation, Format as 123.45
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I would like to make this donation anonymously. Please do not publish my name.
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Postal Code: Required