Maryland Genealogical Society
Maryland Genealogical Society

Forgotten login name?
Lost or forgotten password?
MGS Members –
Welcome to the MGS Web site! Here’s how to log in to the Members Only area. When you sign in for the first time, be sure to check your Profile for accuracy and click on the link "Editing Your Profile" for more information.
You have been assigned an initial login name and password. (You’ll be able to change these later if you want.)
VPN Users

If you use a VPN, you may experience a problem where you are immediately signed out after logging in as a member. If trying to log in again results in the same prolem, please turn off your VPN when using the MGS website.

AOL users
If you are having problems logging in, try using a browser other than your AOL browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, etc.).
Login Name
Your initial login name is your membership ID, lowercased and without the hyphen. Example: If your membership ID is D-500, your login name is d500. You can change your membership ID by logging into your profile and going to "Member Settings." If you forget your login name, just click the "?" next to the login name box on the member login page, and your login name will be emailed to you automatically. You also could  request your login name by contacting us at
If you and another person (spouse, partner, etc.) joined with a family membership, there is a record for each of you in the system, with the second person having a “b” added to the end of the initial login name.  Example: Mr. and Mrs. John Doe, membership number D-500, would login in as d500 or d500b. You also can change this second login name by logging into your profile.
Initial passwords are all lowercase and were created using the first letter of your first name, then your 5 digit zip code, and then first letter of your last name.  Example:  John Doe living in zipcode 20706 would have a password of j20706d. (So would Mrs. John Doe, if her first name is not yet in the membership database.) You can change your password by logging into your profile and going to "Member Settings." If you forget your password, click on the "?" next to the password box on the member login page, and you will be instructed on how to reset your password.